Thursday, September 24, 2009


When you mention the name Madonna it seems everyone has an opinion.  From gay to straight from male to female from young to old from rich to poor from famous to non seems everyone has something to say about Madonna.  Not always good...Not always bad.  Matter of fact, I have personally been in many many fights defending my Queens honor.  It's amazing the nasty things people will say just to offend you as a fan.  Most Maddy haters are clueless when they attempt to rip her apart.  Using lies they read in some shit filled tabloid as to why they despise her so much.  Calling her old and tired and talentless and say she should retire.  Of course...I could not disagree more.  I have found that Madonna is like New York City...either you really love it or you really hate it!  Either way it's a fascinating place to visit!  Madonna can be viewed in the EXACT same way.  People seem to either really love her or really hate her.  But...nobody can deny that she is a fascinating specimen and a remarkable artist.  There is absolutely no one like Madonna.  She has never been to rehab, never been a drug addict and or alcoholic,  never had a mental breakdown, never attempted suicide, never been arrested, and never been to prison. many people have crucified her and labeled her as some sort of evil alien life form her entire career.  Most artists would cave under all the pressure.  Madonna grows stronger.  She has become an icon to millions and millions of people around the globe.  Her concerts continue to break attendance records worldwide and at 51 years of age, Madonna shows no sign of ever slowing down.  And why should she??  Madonna looks amazing and has kept her tiny athletic frame going her entire career.  Watching Maddy groove on stage with dancers half her age is nothing less than amazing.  Madonna is the Queen for a reason mother fuckers.  She is a true artist and genius of her craft.  You can deny that till hell freezes over if you like.  It will be a long fucking wait.  Madonna is here to stay!             

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